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tokyo scenario

Actress Lee Shin, known for her romantic K-Drama roles, struggles to maintain her image as a shy, perfect woman. However, given the dream opportunity to drop the mask for a new role as a bloodthirsty assassin,  she cannot resist the temptation.  


Hong kong song

A YA Romance novel following the story of K-Pop Idol, Ting Xiu Huang, who, after having her contract terminated must return home to Hong Kong. But Ting Xiu is not ready to give up her passion for music just yet


Seoul Dreams

An upcoming YA Romance Novel

Coming Soon


Billiam Doggins, is a big dog. He’s a brave dog and he can do anything he sets his mind to. At least, he thought he could…


To the edge of the sky

In this Post-Cyberpunk Indie game explore the secrets of Olympia as one of its top secret operatives

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